Chill Qin的歌曲列表
大夢初醒 Awakening Into BuddhahoodGuān 笑琴 - 觀
咒王 Śūraṅgama Sūtra In DubGuān 笑琴 - 觀
什麼是愛 About TimeGuān 笑琴 - 觀
Śūraṅgama Sūtra (Original Mix)Mettā Muzik, Vol. 3
蝕 EclipseGuān 笑琴 - 觀
哪吒 NalakuvaraGuān 笑琴 - 觀
自在 Namo LokeshvarayaGuān 笑琴 - 觀
現象 Phenomenon萬象《the Poem for All Beings》
三生萬物 Three Produced Everything萬象《the Poem for All Beings》
萬物的軌跡 Orbit In Atomic萬象《the Poem for All Beings》
絕對時間 Absolute Time萬象《the Poem for All Beings》
永生樹 Immortal’s Spring萬象《the Poem for All Beings》
萬水千山 Thousand Of Mountains And Rivers萬象《the Poem for All Beings》
相對時間 Relative Time萬象《the Poem for All Beings》
時間是愛 All About Loving萬象《the Poem for All Beings》