Dwight D. Eisenhower的歌曲列表
Radio Victory Address - 5/8/45Soldier & President
Order of the Day - June 6, 1944100 Presidential Speeches
D-Day Address to Paris - July 1, 1944100 Presidential Speeches
German Surrender - May 8, 1945100 Presidential Speeches
Guild Hall Address, London - June 12, 1945100 Presidential Speeches
Atoms for Peace - Un General Assembly - December 8, 1953100 Presidential Speeches
First Voice from Space, Satellite "Score" - December 19, 1958100 Presidential Speeches
Chance for Peace, American Society of Newspaper Editors - April 16, 1953100 Presidential Speeches
Inauguration - January 20, 1953100 Presidential Speeches
Farewell Address100 Presidential Speeches