United States Coast Guard Band的歌曲列表
Hands Across the SeaVeterans Day Collection: 50 Patriotic Songs
TapsTaps: Remembering Our Fallen Heroes on Memorial Day
Presidential and Vice Presidential MarchHail to the Chief - 30 Patriotic American Songs for Barack Obama's Inauguration
The Star Spangled Banner2012 Presidential Election: 50 Patriotic Songs
Hail to the ChiefHail to the Chief - 30 Patriotic American Songs for Barack Obama's Inauguration
I Don't Know, But I've Been ToldAll You Can Be: 50 Basic Training Workout Cadences
Unter dem Doppeladler (Under The Double Eagle), Op. 159UNITED STATES COAST GUARD BAND: Semper Paratus
Taps with OrchestrationAll Gave Some, Some Gave All: 50 Patriotic Songs for Memorial Day
Turkey in the StrawUNITED STATES COAST GUART BAND: Greatest Hits
Turkey in the StrawUNITED STATES COAST GUARD BAND: Semper Paratus
The Star Spangled BannerCelebrate Memorial Day with Patriotic Classics
ReveilleReveille: Bugle Calls of the U.S. Military
When Johnny Comes Marching Home76 Patriotic Songs: 4th of July & Memorial Day
When Johnny Comes Marching Home4th of July
When Johnny Comes Marching HomePatriotic Songs
Echo TapsReveille: Bugle Calls of the U.S. Military
TapsReveille: Bugle Calls of the U.S. Military