Lenten Song: "Recommandation of Souls"Constantin Brailoiu: The World Collection of Folk Music, Recorded Between 1913 and 1953, Vol. 3: Italy, France, Portugal & Asturians
Dance Song IConstantin Brailoiu: The World Collection of Folk Music, Recorded Between 1913 and 1953, Vol. 3: Italy, France, Portugal & Asturians
Dance Song IIConstantin Brailoiu: The World Collection of Folk Music, Recorded Between 1913 and 1953, Vol. 3: Italy, France, Portugal & Asturians
Olive-Picking SongConstantin Brailoiu: The World Collection of Folk Music, Recorded Between 1913 and 1953, Vol. 3: Italy, France, Portugal & Asturians
Dance Song IIIConstantin Brailoiu: The World Collection of Folk Music, Recorded Between 1913 and 1953, Vol. 3: Italy, France, Portugal & Asturians