Kemba Sussoko的歌曲列表
Improvisation (Gambia)Harpes du monde (Harps Around the World)
KourambesaiGambie: La Kora des griots mandingues – Gambia: The Kora of Manding Griots
TchedoGambie: La Kora des griots mandingues – Gambia: The Kora of Manding Griots
Ca va ?Gambie: La Kora des griots mandingues – Gambia: The Kora of Manding Griots
SarailaGambie: La Kora des griots mandingues – Gambia: The Kora of Manding Griots
Almamy samoriGambie: La Kora des griots mandingues – Gambia: The Kora of Manding Griots
SimbandiGambie: La Kora des griots mandingues – Gambia: The Kora of Manding Griots
ApoloGambie: La Kora des griots mandingues – Gambia: The Kora of Manding Griots
KelefabaGambie: La Kora des griots mandingues – Gambia: The Kora of Manding Griots
AbeninkilateGambie: La Kora des griots mandingues – Gambia: The Kora of Manding Griots