Fausto Papetti的歌曲列表
Stranger On The ShoreMysterious Stories
ControluceMysterious Stories
The MadisonMysterious Stories
The BlobGo Riding
Tracy's ThemeGo Riding
Quando DormiraiGo Riding
Wonderland By NightGo Riding
The Green Leaves Of SummerGo Riding
Qualcuno Mi AspettaGo Riding
Vento CaldoGo Riding
Tu Che Mi Hai Preso Il CuorGo Riding
Legata A Un Granello Di SabbiaGo Riding
La Ragazza Con La ValigiaGo Riding
Favole Di PioggiaGo Riding
Noi Due SconosciutiGo Riding
Lonely RoomGo Riding
Trust MeGo Riding
Pagan Love SongFausto Papetti at His Best, Vol. 1
Jungle DrumsFausto Papetti at His Best, Vol. 1
FlamingoFausto Papetti at His Best, Vol. 1
CaravanFausto Papetti at His Best, Vol. 1
PerfidiaFausto Papetti at His Best, Vol. 1
Memory LaneFausto Papetti at His Best, Vol. 1
IntermezzoFausto Papetti at His Best, Vol. 1