Stanley Clarke的歌曲列表
What is the Plan?Passenger 57
SkyjackPassenger 57
MotorcyclesPassenger 57
Big FallPassenger 57
Ferris WheelPassenger 57
Just Cruisin'Passenger 57
Anything WetPassenger 57
Chaos on the TarmacPassenger 57
I'm Home AfricaEast River Drive
Stratus (Live)Stanley Clarke, Larry Carlton, Billy Cobham, Deron Johnson & Najee Live At The Greek
Zabadoobeede? (Yabadoobeeda!)East River Drive
Never Lose Your Heart / There Lies The Passion (Dedicated To Cesar Chavez)East River Drive
Christmas In RioEast River Drive
Goodbye Pork Pie Hat (Live)Stanley Clarke, Larry Carlton, Billy Cobham, Deron Johnson & Najee Live At The Greek
All Blues (Live)Stanley Clarke, Larry Carlton, Billy Cobham, Deron Johnson & Najee Live At The Greek
School Days (Live)Stanley Clarke, Larry Carlton, Billy Cobham, Deron Johnson & Najee Live At The Greek
Life SuiteThe Bass-ic Collection
Silly PuttyThe Bass-ic Collection
MeetingAt The Movies
Hot FunThe Bass-ic Collection
Quiet afternoonPortrait
Where Is the Love (feat. Glenn Lewis & Amel Larrieux)1, 2, To the Bass
Song to John (part I)Portrait
Desert songPortrait