Magic ManGreatest Hits (Re-Recorded / Remastered Versions)
Almost Over [New Song]Greatest Hits
Dream Warriors (Re-Recorded / Remastered)Greatest Hits (Re-Recorded / Remastered Versions)
I Can't See YouBreaking The Chains
The Hunter (Re-Recorded / Remastered)Greatest Hits (Re-Recorded / Remastered Versions)
Alone AgainAlone Again & Other Hits
It's Not LoveThen and Now
Young GirlsOriginal Album Series
Mr. ScaryBest Of (Jap. Ed.)
Slippin' AwayRhino Hi-Five: Dokken
The HunterLive From the Sun: Best From the West
HelloShadowlife (Jap. Ed.)
Puppet On A StringShadowlife (Jap. Ed.)
It's Another DayIt's Another Day
Alone Again100 Greatest 80s
Walk AwayBeast from the East [live]
Just Got LuckyBeast from the East [live]
In My DreamsBeast from the East [live]
Alone AgainBeast from the East [live]
Heaven SentBeast from the East [live]
Into the FireBeast from the East [live]
When Heaven Comes DownBeast from the East [live]
Dream WarriorsBeast from the East [live]
Step Into the LightStep Into the Light