Lesser Of Two EvilsDokken (Jap. Ed.)
Prozac NationHell To Pay
Better Off BeforeHell To Pay
Still I'm SadHell To Pay
ShatteredErase the Slate
Voice of the SoulErase the Slate
Crazy Mary Goes RoundErase the Slate
Who BelievesErase the Slate
Haunted LullabyeErase the Slate
In Your HonorErase the Slate
OneErase the Slate
Maddest HatterErase the Slate
HauntedHell To Pay
I SurrenderHell To Pay
Letter to HomeHell To Pay
Inside Looking OutDokken (Jap. Ed.)
Sweet ChainsDokken (Jap. Ed.)
Back In The StreetsBack In The Streets (Jap. Ed.) EP
FelonyBack In The Streets (Jap. Ed.) EP
Day After DayBack In The Streets (Jap. Ed.) EP
We're Going WrongBack In The Streets (Jap. Ed.) EP
Liar (Live)Back In The Streets (Jap. Ed.) EP
Prisoner (Live)Back In The Streets (Jap. Ed.) EP
NightriderBreaking The Chains