The Adolescents的歌曲列表
Silent WaterLa Vendetta
Nothing Left To SayLa Vendetta
Ricochet HeartLa Vendetta
Talking To MyselfLa Vendetta
Rinse CycleLa Vendetta
Formula 13La Vendetta
30 Seconds To MalibuLa Vendetta
Fukushima Lemon TwistLa Vendetta
The Last LaughLa Vendetta
Double DownLa Vendetta
BulletproofLa Vendetta
TicTac At The Alligator TreePresumed Insolent
A Dish Best Served ColdLa Vendetta
Daisy's RevengePresumed Insolent
Presumed InsolentPresumed Insolent
Broken WindowPresumed Insolent
In This Town Everything Is WonderfulPresumed Insolent
Big Rock ShockPresumed Insolent
Forever SummerPresumed Insolent
Richard Hung HimselfThe Complete Demos 1980-1986
CreaturesThe Complete Demos 1980-1986
Do the EddieThe Complete Demos 1980-1986
RiptidePresumed Insolent
The Athena decreePresumed Insolent