Circle Jerks的歌曲列表
World Up My AssGroup ***
Behind the DoorGroup ***
WastedGroup ***
Back Against the WallGroup ***
OperationGroup ***
The CrowdWonderful
Put a Little Love in Your HeartWild in the Streets
Just Like MeWild in the Streets
Political StuWild in the Streets
Moral MajorityWild in the Streets
Forced LaborWild in the Streets
Defamation InnuendoWild in the Streets
Question AuthorityWild in the Streets
Murder the DisturbedWild in the Streets
Letter BombWild in the Streets
Meet the PressWild in the Streets
TrappedWild in the Streets
86'd (Good As Gone)Wild in the Streets
Stars and StripesWild in the Streets
Leave Me AloneWild in the Streets
Career DayOddities, Abnormalities and Curiosities
Exhaust BreathOddities, Abnormalities and Curiosities
DogOddities, Abnormalities and Curiosities
Grey LifeOddities, Abnormalities and Curiosities