My Life Story的歌曲列表
SparkleThe Golden Mile
12 Reasons Why I Love HerThe Golden Mile
Girl A Girl B Boy C*** & Violins (The Best of My Life Story)
Strumpet*** & Violins (The Best of My Life Story)
Funny Ha Ha*** & Violins (The Best of My Life Story)
Suited And BootedThe Golden Mile
The Penthouse in the Basement*** & Violins (The Best of My Life Story)
Sparkle*** & Violins (The Best of My Life Story)
It's a Girl Thing*** & Violins (The Best of My Life Story)
The Dice Man*** & Violins (The Best of My Life Story)
I Dive (Unanswered Questions And Questionable Answers)The Golden Mile
Motorcade*** & Violins (The Best of My Life Story)
King of KissingdomYour Generation
MotorcadeMornington Crescent
Marriage BlisterThe Golden Mile
April 1stThe Golden Mile
ClaretThe Golden Mile
The King of Kissingdom*** & Violins (The Best of My Life Story)
Angel*** & Violins (The Best of My Life Story)
You Can't Uneat the Apple*** & Violins (The Best of My Life Story)
Empire Line*** & Violins (The Best of My Life Story)
Neverland*** & Violins (The Best of My Life Story)
November 5thThe Golden Mile
If You Can't Live Without Me Then Why Aren't You Dead Yet?*** & Violins (The Best of My Life Story)