Embodied in Elms of Eternal MiseryRealms of the Ungodly
Ere the Dark SovereinRealms of the Ungodly
Fixation On SufferingDesecrate the Vile
Eirgmos AidiosRealms of the Ungodly
Baptismal Incineration Upon SimonitsRealms of the Ungodly
Ascending the Spectral ThroneHis Divine Shadow
The Hive AblazeHis Divine Shadow
PenumbræHis Divine Shadow
World-Reaving TerrorHis Divine Shadow
His Divine ShadowHis Divine Shadow
DawnHis Divine Shadow
LegionHis Divine Shadow
Nefarious Sanguine DecreeHis Divine Shadow
Omniscient PerturbationsHis Divine Shadow
Pestilential ReignHis Divine Shadow
Habitual DepravityDesecrate the Vile
Servants Of DerangementDesecrate the Vile
Chapter Of DefilementDesecrate the Vile
Mutilating The InferiorDesecrate the Vile
Subject To InflictionDesecrate the Vile
Internally DevouredDesecrate the Vile
Amputated RepugnanceDesecrate the Vile
Descending Into ExtinctionDesecrate the Vile
Impulsive DismembermentDesecrate the Vile