In the Shattering of ThingsSilencia
We Try to Make Sense of It AllSilencia
Slowly You DissolveSilencia
Life Is LifeSilencia
Without Form and VoidSilencia
Parkers ChapelParkers Chapel
Birds Flying in SequenceEPs, Singles and Remixes
We Watched You DisappearWe Watched You Disappear
Burning Down the FascinationEverything and Nothing
Wasted We Stared at the CeilingEverything and Nothing
Verse for Forgiveness (feat. timEbandit Powles)EPs, Singles and Remixes
Sinking Inside YourselfEPs, Singles and Remixes
WestEPs, Singles and Remixes
(Leaving) The House Where We Grew UpDeparture Songs
you lost the starlight in your eyes (gℓo rework)öde
We Are More Than We AreUniversalis
ClingingThe Night You Caught on Fire
We Watched You DisappearUniversalis
Stranded Under Endless SkyStranded Under Endless Sky
Clothed With SkyUniversalis
Always Before Your EyesUniversalis