Keith Merrow的歌曲列表
Pillars of CreationThe Arrival
MalfunctionLonestar Transcend
IoThe Arrival
Many a FortnightAwaken the Stone King
CetusLonestar Transcend
Shorted OutThe Arrival
NadirThe Arrival
My NemesisLonestar Transcend
AndromedaLonestar Transcend
CosmogenesisLonestar Transcend
DepartureThe Arrival
BioluminescentThe Arrival
CeresLonestar Transcend
TitanThe Arrival
AbductedThe Arrival
Wrong AxisThe Arrival
From Fathoms Beneath (The Awakening Pt. 1)Awaken the Stone King
The ArrivalThe Arrival
The PiscatorAwaken the Stone King
Braving the DunesAwaken the Stone King
People of the BogAwaken the Stone King
Spirit of the Ancient SirenAwaken the Stone King
Paramount AsmodeusAwaken the Stone King
Beheading the ManticoreAwaken the Stone King