Geoffrey Burgess的歌曲列表
Sonata in G for cello with accompaniment for violin and continuo:1st movement: AmorosoHandel and Porpora "The Rivals"
Sonata in G for cello with accompaniment for violin and continuo:2nd movement: AllegroHandel and Porpora "The Rivals"
Sonata in G for cello with accompaniment for violin and continuo:3rd movement: LargoHandel and Porpora "The Rivals"
Sonata in G for cello with accompaniment for violin and continuo:4th movement: Tempo giustoHandel and Porpora "The Rivals"
D'Amore Il Primo Dardo - cantata for soprano and continuo:Aria: D'Amore il Primo DardoHandel and Porpora "The Rivals"
D'Amore Il Primo Dardo - cantata for soprano and continuo:Recitative: Fr'a gl'amorosi lacciHandel and Porpora "The Rivals"
D'Amore Il Primo Dardo - cantata for soprano and continuo:Aria: Ch'io maiHandel and Porpora "The Rivals"
Sonata in F major for Violin & Continuo, Op.1, No.12:2nd movement: AllegroHandel and Porpora "The Rivals"
Sonata in F major for Violin & Continuo, Op.1, No.12:1st movement: AdagioHandel and Porpora "The Rivals"
Sonata in F major for Violin & Continuo, Op.1, No.12:3rd movement: LargoHandel and Porpora "The Rivals"
Sonata in F major for Violin & Continuo, Op.1, No.12:4th movement: AllegroHandel and Porpora "The Rivals"
Languia di Bocca Lusigniera - cantata fragment for soprano, oboe, violin and continuo:Recitative: Languia di Bocca LusignieraHandel and Porpora "The Rivals"
Meine Seele HörtHandel and Porpora "The Rivals"
Süsse StilleHandel and Porpora "The Rivals"
Languia di Bocca Lusigniera - cantata fragment for soprano, oboe, violin and continuo:Aria: Dolce BoccaHandel and Porpora "The Rivals"
Singe, Seele, Gott zum PreiseHandel and Porpora "The Rivals"
Quanto Affanno (Aria fitted for the violin)Handel and Porpora "The Rivals"