Anjey Satori的歌曲列表
Transition from the Shadow To the LightJourney into Subconscious
Spiritual IJourney into Subconscious
ReturningJourney into Subconscious
CleaningJourney into Subconscious
HarmonizationJourney into Subconscious
MeditationThe Best for Meditation
ForestThe Best for Meditation
The RestThe Best for Meditation
In a StreamThe Best for Meditation
ShadowsThe Best for Meditation
Call of AncestorsThe Best for Meditation
TranceThe Best for Meditation
Other WorldsThe Best for Meditation
Transition from a Shadow to the LightThe Best for Meditation
SeaThe Best for Meditation
Sleep Under RainThe Best for Meditation
Astral FlightAstral Journey
Other WorldsAstral Journey
ReturnAstral Journey
Blue PlanetAstral Journey
AuroraGolden Dreams
Dolphin's HeartGolden Dreams
Searching for the RestGolden Dreams
Golden DreamsGolden Dreams