David Darling的歌曲列表
Alma Divina (Divine Soul)In Love and Longing
IntrospectionMiniatures 2 Edited By Morgan Fisher
Memories of ChildrenHealing Music Project Radiance
Away In A MangerBest Of Narada Christmas
Lose YourselfSongs of the Cosmos
Hey DreamerSongs of the Cosmos
You've Got the Sun in Your LifeSongs of the Cosmos
EpitaphSongs of the Cosmos
The One SongSongs of the Cosmos
Dark EnergySongs of the Cosmos
RainSongs of the Cosmos
Don't Know Where I'm Goin'Songs of the Cosmos
Our Lullaby for Our ChildrenImprovisations for Cello and Piano
Dancing Rain, Thunder and LightningImprovisations for Cello and Piano
Mystery of the UniverseImprovisations for Cello and Piano
OceanImprovisations for Cello and Piano
Fantasie in C for BrahmsImprovisations for Cello and Piano
Monastic ChantImprovisations for Cello and Piano
The River At McNaughtonImprovisations for Cello and Piano
ImpressionsImprovisations for Cello and Piano
Mist Upon Thy FaceImprovisations for Cello and Piano
Uptown StrutTympanum
Answering SilenceTympanum