Vaporous FlameUmbra
Fading Hearts of Umbral NebulasUmbra
Stellar Wind of the Dying StarUmbra
Asomatous GroveAlmyrkvi / The Ruins of Beverast Split
PrimevalPupil of the Searing Maelstrom
Shrouded in Blinding LightPupil of the Searing Maelstrom
Currents of DetestationPupil of the Searing Maelstrom
Feeding the VoidPupil of the Searing Maelstrom
Pupil of the Searing MaelstromPupil of the Searing Maelstrom
Forlorn Astral RuinsUmbra
Cimmerian FlameUmbra
Severed Pillars of LifeUmbra
ManagarmrAlmyrkvi / The Ruins of Beverast Split