take me awaytake me away
i won't talki won't talk
i'll bring you homei'll bring you home
it's overit's over
i've given you timei've given you time
when i met uwhen i met u
i can't sleep anymorei can't sleep anymore
thought i had it all figured outthought i had it all figured out
how do u tell a girl u really like her eyesHow do u tell a girl u really like her eyes
i don't think you truly carei don't think you truly care
Falling down Falling down
i'm not who i wasi'm not who i was
sleep thru ur alarms (hateful remix)sleep thru ur alarms (hateful remix)
not old enough (hateful Remix)not old enough (hateful Remix)
me at partiesme at parties
i'd rather be with youi'd rather be with you
a girl i've barely spoken toa girl i've barely spoken to
thinking about youthinking about you
i promisei promise
selfish nerdselfish nerd
a long, lonely time.a long, lonely time.
there's no way to run from itthere's no way to run from it