Beneath My Shade的歌曲列表
DoomsdayI Saw Galaxy in Your Eyes
BlockadeHistory of You
Entire History Of YouHistory of You
CultHistory of You
EclipseEternal Light
SacrificeHistory of You
WallsHistory of You
Book Of HoursHistory of You
Heart In A CageHistory of You
BetrayHistory of You
Lights Have FadedHistory of You
March to RebirthHistory of You
FreezeHistory of You
FadeHistory of You
BloomHistory of You
WhisperEternal Light
BushidoEternal Light
Bloody SundayEternal Light
ViolenceEternal Light
VortexEternal Light
Eternal LightEternal Light
ForbiddenEternal Light
Last FlowersEternal Light