Predator (Original Mix)My World
Outer Space (Original Mix)Temptation Love, Vol.2
Outside (Original Mix)My World / Outside
PredatorPredator / Disharge
DischargePredator / Disharge
Discharge (Original Mix)Predator
Predator (Original Mix)Predator
Another (Original Mix)Another
I Don't Want You to GoI Don't Want You to Go
Subjection (Original Mix)Strong Meditation Energy (Motivation, Training, Gym, Sport)
Darkness (Original Mix)My World
Outer Space (Original Mix)My World
Inside (Original Mix)Finally Collection vol. 2
OutsideMy World / Outside
My WorldMy World / Outside
DespairDespair / the End of Days
The End of DaysDespair / the End of Days
Spiritual UniverseSpiritual Universe
Empty (Original Mix)Grand Communication (Gold Edition), Vol. 1
Desire to Live ( Dreamcather Remix )Desire to Live
For you (Dreamcather Remix)For you (Dreamcather Remix)
Outer SpaceOuter Space
Don't leave me (Dreamcather Remix)Don't leave me (Dreamcather Remix)