Thank YouCharice (Deluxe Version)
How Could An Angel Break My Heart (Feat. Alyssa Quijano)Chapter 10
Nobody's Singin'To MeCharice (Deluxe Version)
ResetCharice (Deluxe Version)
Bounce Back
One Day
The One That Got AwayChapter 10
Before It Explodes
Bounce BackInfinity
One DayInfinity
PyramidPyramid Single
TitaniumChapter 10
Before It ExplodesBefore It Explodes
Note To GodCharice (Deluxe Version)
PyramidCharice (Deluxe Version)
In This SongCharice (Deluxe Version)
In Love So DeepCharice (Deluxe Version)
All By Myself最新热歌慢摇109
One DayOne Day
Grown-Up Christmas ListGrown-Up Christmas List EP
You Raise Me UpMy Inspiration
Far As The SkyFar As The Sky
Jingle Bell RockGrown-Up Christmas List EP