Richard Burton的歌曲列表
A Valediction: Forbidding mourningRichard Burton: The Voice in Poetry
I Wonder What the King Is Doing TonightCamelot (Original Broadway Cast)
How to Handle a WomanCamelot (Original Broadway Cast)
What Do the Simple Folk Do?Camelot - Original Broadway Cast
How To Handle a WomanCamelot (Original Broadway Cast Recording) - Original Album
I Wonder What the King is DoingCamelot (Original Broadway Cast Recording) - Original Album
The Funerall by John DonneThe Classical Poetry Collection, Vol. 4
At Castle Boterel by Thomas HardyThe Classical Poetry Collection, Vol. 4
The Souls of the Slain by Thomas HardyThe Classical Poetry Collection, Vol. 3
The Nocturnall by John DonneThe Classical Poetry Collection, Vol. 3
Go and Catch a Falling Star (Song)Richard Burton Reads John Donne
The Triple FoolRichard Burton Reads John Donne
The CanonisationRichard Burton Reads John Donne
The CurseThe Poetry Of Love
Sweetest Love, I Do Not Go (Song)Richard Burton Reads John Donne
The FleaRichard Burton Reads John Donne
A NocturnallRichard Burton Reads John Donne
A FeaverRichard Burton Reads John Donne
The CurseRichard Burton Reads John Donne
The FleaThe Poetry Of Love
The Triple FoolThe Poetry Of Love
Elegy VII Natures lay IdeotThe Poetry Of Love
The Good MorrowRichard Burton Reads John Donne
Song Go and catch a falling starThe Poetry Of Love