C.C. Catch的歌曲列表
If I Feel Love25th Anniversary Box
I Can Lose My Heart TonightC.C. Catch - Greatest Hits
House Of Mystic Lights (Long Version - Dance Mix)25th Anniversary Box
Shake your headTop 200 80s New Modern Remixes
Baby I need your loveTop 200 80s New Modern Remixes
Are You Man Enough (Long Version - Muscle Mix)80's Revolution - Euro Disco Volume 3
Big TimeTen Best
Silence (feat Leela) (Radio Mix)C.C. Catch - Greatest Hits
The Decade 7'' Remix25th Anniversary Box
Love AwayHear What I Say
Midnight HourHear What I Say
I'm Gonna Miss YouHear What I Say
Give Me What I WantHear What I Say
If I Feel LoveBig Fun
Hear What I SayHear What I Say
Do You Love As You LookThe 80's Album
BackgirlHear What I Say
You Can Be My Lucky Star Tonight (Maxi Version)Catch The Catch
Big TimeC.C. Catch - Greatest Hits
Feels Like HeavenHear What I Say
Can't Catch MeHear What I Say
You Can't Run Away From It25th Anniversary Box
Summer Kisses25th Anniversary Box
Wild Fire25th Anniversary Box