A.R. & Machines的歌曲列表
At The Dance of the Electrical Winds / Beim Tanz der elektrischen Winde
The Art of German Psychedelic (Period 1970 - 74)
On the Sledge / Auf dem Schlitten
The Art of German Psychedelic (Period 1970 - 74)
Berfore the Birth of the New Dimension / Vor der Geburt der neuen Dimension
The Art of German Psychedelic (Period 1970 - 74)
Eternal Farewell on Lilac Ardour / Ewiger Abschied auf Lila Glut
The Art of German Psychedelic (Period 1970 - 74)
Through Feelable,Measurable Nothing / Durch fühlbares, meßbares Nichts
The Art of German Psychedelic (Period 1970 - 74)
Down the Rainbows Regenbögen hinab / Down the Rainbows Regenbögen hinab
The Art of German Psychedelic (Period 1970 - 74)
To the Echo of Time / Ins Echo der Zeit
The Art of German Psychedelic (Period 1970 - 74)
In the Labyrynth of the Mind / Im Irrgarten des Geistes
The Art of German Psychedelic (Period 1970 - 74)
I am Astonished / Ich staune
The Art of German Psychedelic (Period 1970 - 74)
Knowledge is Spring in Autumn / Wissen ist Frühling im Herbst
The Art of German Psychedelic (Period 1970 - 74)
Iron-Laura with the Lyra / Eisen-Laura mit der Lyra
The Art of German Psychedelic (Period 1970 - 74)
In Front of the House at the Foot of the Growing Mountain / Vor dem Haus am Fuße des wachsenden Berges
The Art of German Psychedelic (Period 1970 - 74)
Signals / Signale
The Art of German Psychedelic (Period 1970 - 74)
International Anthem / Internationalhymne
The Art of German Psychedelic (Period 1970 - 74)
Awakening on the Shore / Erwachen am Ufer
The Art of German Psychedelic (Period 1970 - 74)
At the Waltz of the Inclinations / Beim Walzer der Triebe
The Art of German Psychedelic (Period 1970 - 74)
In the Magic Forest of the 7 Senses / Im Zauberwald der sieben Sinne
The Art of German Psychedelic (Period 1970 - 74)
Under the black-green-red Banner / Unter dem schwarz-grün-roten Banner
The Art of German Psychedelic (Period 1970 - 74)
Warm Embrace on Thin Ice / Innige Umarmung auf dünnem Eis
The Art of German Psychedelic (Period 1970 - 74)
Zhivago Shankar / Schiwago Shankar
The Art of German Psychedelic (Period 1970 - 74)
Perfect World with Little Bugs / Heile Welt mit kleinen Fehlern
The Art of German Psychedelic (Period 1970 - 74)
Lost in a Mirror Maze / Verloren im Spiegelkabinett
The Art of German Psychedelic (Period 1970 - 74)
Echo Boogie
The Art of German Psychedelic (Period 1970 - 74)
Prickel Pit (Remix 1996)
The Art of German Psychedelic (Period 1970 - 74)
2017 - 2025
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