A.R. & Machines的歌曲列表
Eternal Farewell on Lilac Ardour / Ewiger Abschied auf Lila GlutThe Art of German Psychedelic (Period 1970 - 74)
Berfore the Birth of the New Dimension / Vor der Geburt der neuen DimensionThe Art of German Psychedelic (Period 1970 - 74)
On the Sledge / Auf dem SchlittenThe Art of German Psychedelic (Period 1970 - 74)
At The Dance of the Electrical Winds / Beim Tanz der elektrischen WindeThe Art of German Psychedelic (Period 1970 - 74)
Intersteller Communications / Interstellare KommunikationenThe Art of German Psychedelic (Period 1970 - 74)
Suspicions / AhnungenThe Art of German Psychedelic (Period 1970 - 74)
The Innovation Shuffle / Innovation ShuffleThe Art of German Psychedelic (Period 1970 - 74)
Swinging Message / Schwungvolle BotschaftThe Art of German Psychedelic (Period 1970 - 74)
Awakening Beyond Good and Evil / Erwachen jenseits von gut und böseThe Art of German Psychedelic (Period 1970 - 74)
Psychedelia InstrumeniaThe Art of German Psychedelic (Period 1970 - 74)
Gentle growth / Der sanfte WuchsThe Art of German Psychedelic (Period 1970 - 74)
Here is Your Wake up Call / Hier ist dein Weckruf (DJ Aspects)The Art of German Psychedelic (Period 1970 - 74)
Zhivago Shankar / Schiwago Shankar (DJ Aspects)The Art of German Psychedelic (Period 1970 - 74)
Rockingchair on Cloud 7 / Schaukelstuhl auf Wolke 7 (DJ Aspects)The Art of German Psychedelic (Period 1970 - 74)
Echo Boogie (DJ Aspects)The Art of German Psychedelic (Period 1970 - 74)
Lost in a Mirror Maze / Verloren im Spiegelkabinett (DJ Aspects)The Art of German Psychedelic (Period 1970 - 74)
Swingin‘ message / Schwungvolle Botschaft (DJ Aspects)The Art of German Psychedelic (Period 1970 - 74)
Merrmaid in a Whiskeytumbler / Meerjungfrau im Whiskeyglas (DJ Aspects)The Art of German Psychedelic (Period 1970 - 74)
Perfect World with Little Bugs / Heile Welt mit kleinen Fehlern (DJ Aspects)The Art of German Psychedelic (Period 1970 - 74)