Paul Winter的歌曲列表
Peasant RevelsWintersong
Little OneWintersong
The Cherry TreeWintersong
Swedish SongWintersong
Tomorrow Is My Dancing DayWintersong
Garden Of The EarthEarthbeat
Green DreamsEarthbeat
Epic SongEarthbeat
The LakeEarthbeat
Down In BelgorodEarthbeat
Songs For The WorldEarthbeat
The Horse Walked In The GrassEarthbeat
Kurski FunkEarthbeat
Minuit/ Auld Lang SyneSilver Solstice
Wolf EyesSilver Solstice
Song For the WorldSilver Solstice
Silent NightSilver Solstice
Oror BubrikSilver Solstice
Down In BelgorodSilver Solstice
The Rising MoonSilver Solstice
The Cello and the PipesSilver Solstice
The Rain Is Over and GoneSilver Solstice