The Hives的歌曲列表
Giddy Up!The Black and White album
T.H.E.H.I.V.E.S.The Black and White album
Hey Little WorldThe Black and White album
Try It AgainThe Black and White album
Abra CadaverTyrannosaurus Hives
The Hives-Declare Guerre NucleaireVeni Vidi Vicious
No Pun IntendedSkins
Hate To Say I Told You SoWired Up 2
Hate To Say I Told You SoSonic Mook Experiment 2: Future Rock & Roll
T.H.E.H.I.V.E.S.Tick Tick Boom Hit Pac
No Pun IntendedTyrannosaurus Hives
Walk Idiot WalkWalk Idiot Walk
Good SamaritanGood Samaritan
Hate To Say I Told You So (Album Version)Your New Favourite Band
Walk Idiot WalkTyrannosaurus Hives
Hate To Say I Told You SoTriple J Hottest 100, Volume 10
Puppet On A StringThe Black and White album
You Got It All... WrongThe Black and White album
T.H.E.H.I.V.E.S.The Black and White album
Hate To Say I Told You SoVans Off The Wall Cd Volume IV
Wait A MinuteLex Hives
I Want MoreLex Hives
1000 AnswersLex Hives
Go Right AheadLex Hives