Instruments Of An Ecstatic CultPagan Oceans I
TributariesPagan Oceans I
Shifting Patterns Of EnergyPagan Oceans I
No-Fun ParadePagan Oceans I
Taking Measurements From Broken ScalesPagan Oceans I
Double VisionPagan Oceans III
Once More With FeelingPagan Oceans III
Amplifier KissTone Harvest V.A. Vol #1
pick your poisonRED shift
a crow with no mouthRED shift
werewolves a comin'RED shift
vibrating in the same wayRED shift
a femur in the pavementRED shift
useless teethRED shift
Euclid freed of every flawRED shift
Wind TunnelsPrototypes
Halfway Through SuburbiaPrototypes
Bending MomentAirmass
Wind TunnelsPrototypes
Halfway Through SuburbiaPrototypes
Panic AttireThe Ergonomics of Desire
A Right Handed Portrait of My Left HandThe Ergonomics of Desire
Posed on PurposeThe Ergonomics of Desire
AnamorphosisThe Ergonomics of Desire