Tempered HeartThe Holy City is Empty
The Holy City Devoid of Life (Once the Sinners Descended and the War Came to an End)The Holy City is Empty
Hate, Love, Good, EvilThe Holy City is Empty
See Through GlassThe Holy City is Empty
The Last Honest Thing I Will Ever SayThe Holy City is Empty
Beyond Me is NothingThe Holy City is Empty
Messenger of GodThe Holy City is Empty
StaticThe Holy City is Empty
Pristine HeartDead Colony
Now it Makes Me Think of DeathDead Colony
Father FigureDead Colony
Shallow NightDead Colony
Me and the DevilDead Colony
ChokedDead Colony
Spoilt British Liberals the Result of Stable SocietyDead Colony
Dead ColonyDead Colony
ChristDead Colony
Take Me Down with YouDead Colony
Final TransmissionMoons of Jupiter
GanymedeMoons of Jupiter
Metis (Failure)Moons of Jupiter
S 2003 J 2 (Lost Moon)Moons of Jupiter
Praxidike the PunisherMoons of Jupiter
Jupiter (Paradise Within)Moons of Jupiter