Luis Berra的歌曲列表
Trees don't speakWaltz for an unnamed nymph / Trees don't speak
I Left my muse in San MiniatoI Left my muse in San Miniato / The wolf sleeps on the balcony
FirenzePiano Cloud Series - Vol.3
Thin Spicy RainThin Spicy Rain
Endless hillsThe old pine knows / Endless hills
Digging deeperOn Silence Act I & II
Simple WaltzSimple Waltz
Prelude on the StreetPrelude on the Street
Digging deeperShe is so beautiful when she reads / Digging deeper
Chocolate mintChocolate mint / Dall'Arno al Danubio
Dall'Arno al DanubioChocolate mint / Dall'Arno al Danubio
The old pine knowsOn Silence Act I & II
Endless hillsOn Silence Act I & II
The wolf sleeps on the balconyOn Silence Act I & II
I Left my muse in San MiniatoOn Silence Act I & II
Waltz for an unnamed nymphOn Silence Act I & II
Trees don't speakOn Silence Act I & II
Chocolate mintOn Silence Act I & II
Dall'Arno al DanubioOn Silence Act I & II
Limonaia fiorentinaOn Silence Act I & II
She's so beautiful when she readsOn Silence Act I & II
Sleepwalkers DeersPiano Creatures
Prelude For ClaudiaPiano Creatures
Red Drops Of SunsetPiano Creatures