Wild Boar, Pt. 3Drama of Freedom
Wild Boar, Pt. 2Drama of Freedom
Evil Loop, Pt. 4Drama of Freedom
Chinese Medicine, Pt. 5Drama of Freedom
Tahiti, Pt. 2Drama of Freedom
Tahiti, Pt. 3Drama of Freedom
The Perfect Education阴影阁楼 (Expanded Edition)
Hidden Place阴影阁楼 (Expanded Edition)
.........阴影阁楼 (Expanded Edition)
Topspin Slowly阴影阁楼 (Expanded Edition)
Split Traces阴影阁楼 (Expanded Edition)
永福路SIG Music (Promo)
02.第二扇门The second door[90sed]SIG Music (Promo)
02. 迷逝倾岛 Lost in Tsingdao悲伤的镜
10.月水母 Moonlight Jellyfish[90sec]SIG Music (Promo)
08.闭的出口Exit Closed[90sec]SIG Music (Promo)
08. 人群上空 Over the Crowd悲伤的镜
06.裂的痕迹Split traces[90sec]SIG Music (Promo)
03. 第三只眼 Third eye悲伤的镜
05. 悲伤的镜 Sad Mirror悲伤的镜
03.云中城堡Cloud Castle[90sec]SIG Music (Promo)
06. 第六片海 The Sixth Sea悲伤的镜