Stray Rabbit's ScutRoom Note
DaysRoom Note
TreeRoom Note
Omoicomi KitchenRoom Note
Corner Of BlinkRoom Note
HitoriRoom Note
Down To The SeaRoom Note
Evening BreezeRoom Note
Light Blue WaltzRoom Note
Way HomeRoom Note
Fragments Of ShellsRoom Note
Happy MisunderstandingRoom Note
Midnight Snow, Street Lights, Window Of Empty BuildingTide Ripples
Her Fringe, Ferris Wheel, Ruins Of Twisted YarnTide Ripples
Folk ScalesScale Compositions
Crown ScalesScale Compositions
Lunch before farewell at the soba house.In The Open
Down through the tunnel to the river.In The Open
The noon crescent is waiting for the cherry blossoms to bloom.In The Open
On the shore of the stray pond.In The Open
Sweeping the leaves like a quiet wave.In The Open
Gates and ramparts.In The Open
The pond of the water mirror garden.In The Open