Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio的歌曲列表
Love Conquers AllMake Love & War - The Wedlock of Roses & Equilibrium
Apocalypse Kisses, Commemorating my Summer SolsticeMake Love & War - The Wedlock of Roses & Equilibrium
To TirzahMake Love & War - The Wedlock of Roses & Equilibrium
Erotisk TillägnanMake Love & War - The Wedlock of Roses & Equilibrium
Advancement & DemoralizationMake Love & War - The Wedlock of Roses & Equilibrium
My Felicity of MidwinterMake Love & War - The Wedlock of Roses & Equilibrium
Rituals of Love in the Passage of Genocide, Song of RoseMake Love & War - The Wedlock of Roses & Equilibrium
Ode to the Beloved & ImpairedMake Love & War - The Wedlock of Roses & Equilibrium
IntroCocktails, Carnage, Crucifixion & Pornography (CCCP)
Sheep for a Lifetime, or Lion for a DayCocktails, Carnage, Crucifixion & Pornography (CCCP)
Tango for the Concession of the Suspender PrincessCocktails, Carnage, Crucifixion & Pornography (CCCP)
In the Midst of Flaming Ruins - Desire of the FewCocktails, Carnage, Crucifixion & Pornography (CCCP)
It Was the Day of Lucifer RisingCocktails, Carnage, Crucifixion & Pornography (CCCP)
For the Good of HumankindCocktails, Carnage, Crucifixion & Pornography (CCCP)
Eucharist - Liturgy of 6Cocktails, Carnage, Crucifixion & Pornography (CCCP)
Another Mary, Same HarlotCocktails, Carnage, Crucifixion & Pornography (CCCP)
The Perplexity of Eskil - I Celebrate Myself?Cocktails, Carnage, Crucifixion & Pornography (CCCP)
In High Heels Through Nights of Broken GlassCocktails, Carnage, Crucifixion & Pornography (CCCP)
Mary Dances in the Shadows - The Holiest of HarlotsCocktails, Carnage, Crucifixion & Pornography (CCCP)
Regression and the Return to Paradise ExtinctCocktails, Carnage, Crucifixion & Pornography (CCCP)
Serpent Kisses and Serpent Smiles - Inside the Order of Roses and EquilibriumCocktails, Carnage, Crucifixion & Pornography (CCCP)
And the Lions Devoured the LambsCocktails, Carnage, Crucifixion & Pornography (CCCP)
Cinnabar RisingCocktails, Carnage, Crucifixion & Pornography (CCCP)
In Memories of Rome, We Live ForeverCocktails, Carnage, Crucifixion & Pornography (CCCP)