XenoglossiaObscene Majesty
Modum Sui MorteObscene Majesty
Truculent AntipathyObscene Majesty
Legalize HomicideConceived In Sewage
Conceived In SewageConceived In Sewage
****ed With RatsConceived In Sewage
March To MegiddoConceived In Sewage
Today We Die, Tomorrow We KillConceived In Sewage
Heaving AcidConceived In Sewage
Carved Into EcstasyConceived In Sewage
Parasitic EruptionConceived In Sewage
Unleash The CarnivoresUnleash the Carnivore
Abomination UnseenUnleash the Carnivore
Crucify The ImpureUnleash the Carnivore
Deflesh The AbductedUnleash the Carnivore
Incitement To Mass MurderUnleash the Carnivore
Field Of The ImpaledUnleash the Carnivore
Devour the DemandMolesting the Decapitated
Festering Vomitous MassMolesting the Decapitated
Autoerotic AsphyxiationButcher the Weak
Over Her Dead BodyUnleash the Carnivore
Postmortal CoprophagiaMolesting the Decapitated
****** to DeathMolesting the Decapitated
A Virulent Strain of RetaliationObscene Majesty