Source of Suspicions (Rehearsals Around 1995-96)Re-Puked Purulency
Different Dimensional Pervertation (Rehearsals Around 1995-96)Re-Puked Purulency
Voluptuously Minced (Rehearsals Around 1995-96)Re-Puked Purulency
F.R.C. (Life Immortal Demo 1995)Re-Puked Purulency
Life Immortal (Life Immortal Demo 1995)Re-Puked Purulency
Plazmadomic Homicide (Life Immortal Demo 1995)Re-Puked Purulency
Revenge (Life Immortal Demo 1995)Re-Puked Purulency
Middle Ages (Life Immortal Demo 1995)Re-Puked Purulency
Different Dimensional Pervertation (Promo Tape 1996)Re-Puked Purulency
Life Immortal (Promo Tape 1996)Re-Puked Purulency
Source of Suspicions (Promo Tape 1996)Re-Puked Purulency
Superimposed Guttural Vociferations of Ulceric Anal TurgorRe-Puked Purulency
Paralysed, Clitoridectamimized, Spreadeagled, Molested CadaverRe-Puked Purulency
Ex-Feminine Promiscuous Masculine's Solidified Klitoris SwallowedRe-Puked Purulency
Verbalized Opinions About Intravaginal Umbilical Corded Fetus in URe-Puked Purulency
Sickened by His Own Pathologic Fancy of Collecting Ingots of HumanRe-Puked Purulency
Mutilated Genitalia in Lack of Resurrection Under Effective PunchRe-Puked Purulency
Multipurpose Utilization form Lustly Shreddeds Scummy Vaginal DiscRe-Puked Purulency
Perverse Dehumanized DysfunctionsPerverse Dehumanized Dysfunctions
Embalming Maggotized Aborticide (Obscure Perspectives of Forensic Entomology)Putrescent Infectious Rabidity
Asphyxiated Embryonic AbnormalitiesPerverse Dehumanized Dysfunctions
Rancid Gluttonous Morbid ObesityPerverse Dehumanized Dysfunctions
Multi-Organ Failure EpidemiePerverse Dehumanized Dysfunctions
Schizoid Acts of Mental DeflorationPutrescent Infectious Rabidity