Street Chorus Cast的歌曲列表
Mass:XIV. SanctusBernstein: Mass (Live)
Mass / XV. Agnus Dei:b. "Dona nobis, nobis pacem, pacem dona"Bernstein: Mass (Live)
Mass / VI. Gloria:3. Trope: "Half Of The People"Bernstein: Mass (Live)
Mass:IX. Gospel-Sermon: "God Said"Bernstein: Mass (Live)
Mass / X. Credo:4. Trope: "World Without End" - Et In Spiritum SanctumBernstein: Mass (Live)
Mass / X. Credo:5. Trope: "I Believe In God"Bernstein: Mass (Live)
Mass / XV. Agnus Dei:a. "Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi"Bernstein: Mass (Live)
Mass / II. First Introit (Rondo):1. Prefatory PrayersBernstein: Mass (Live)
Mass / II. First Introit (Rondo):2. Thrice - Triple Canon: Dominum VobiscumBernstein: Mass (Live)
Mass / VI. Gloria:4. Trope: "Thank You"Bernstein: Mass (Live)
Mass:VIII. Epistle: "The Word Of The Lord"Bernstein: Mass (Live)
Mass / X. Credo:2. Trope: "Non Credo"Bernstein: Mass (Live)
Mass / XVII. Pax: Communion:b. "Sing God A Secret Song"Bernstein: Mass (Live)
Mass / XVII. Pax: Communion:c. "Almighty Father"Bernstein: Mass (Live)