Caravans To UrSphynx
The Arrival RitualSphynx
Purifier Of The StarsSphynx
Apkallu CounselSphynx
Triangular Tattvic FireSphynx
Of Mercury And MercurySphynx
Tablets Of FateSphynx
Annunaki's Golden ThronesSphynx
Secrets Of Sumerian SphynxologySphynx
When Halos Of Candles Collide (Instrumental)The Epigenesis
Incendium Between Mirage And TimeSphynx
Whispers From The TowerDjinn
Tempest Temper Enlil EnragedEnki
Incendium Between Mirage And TimeThe Metal Museum Vol. 14: Black Metal
Negative TheologyThe Epigenesis
Touching the Spheres of SephirothEmissaries
Ladders to SumeriaEmissaries
The Pendulum SpeaksEnki
Lost TribesEnki
Enki - Divine Nature AwokenEnki
The OutsidersEnki
Mystics Of The PillarThe Epigenesis
Defeating The GiantsThe Epigenesis
IntroAs Jerusalem Burns... Al´Intisar