Lost Conscioussness in A White and Endless DesertAu Commencement De Lombre
The FallLocked Up and Forgotten
Lethargy IIISelf - Inflicted State
One DayLocked Up and Forgotten
Guided by Anger & Sadness (Demo)Au Commencement De Lombre
Spell of the MoonL'appel de la Nuit Funeste
Alone (Demo)Au Commencement De Lombre
Sombre éternitéL'appel de la Nuit Funeste
OutroL'appel de la Nuit Funeste
On the Throne of LieSelf - Inflicted State
Captive Souls in Slaves & Artificial BodiesShadows of Tragedy
Guided by Anger & SadnessAu Commencement De Lombre
Le froid sommeilL'appel de la Nuit Funeste
IntroL'appel de la Nuit Funeste
Lethargy IISelf - Inflicted State
DéclineLocked Up and Forgotten
End of a JourneyLocked Up and Forgotten
MemoriesLocked Up and Forgotten
TodL'appel de la Nuit Funeste
Constant TraumaSelf - Inflicted State
To Kill Oneself to Exist and Choose Our WayShadows of Tragedy
IntroSelf - Inflicted State
IllusionsSuicide Reflections