Vidna Obmana的歌曲列表
Aqua 5Soundtrack for the Aquarium [live]
Aqua 4Soundtrack for the Aquarium [live]
Aqua 3Soundtrack for the Aquarium [live]
Aqua 2bSoundtrack for the Aquarium [live]
One QuestionTrue Stories
Uncertain FlowMemories Compiled 2
For Ancient CrossedMemories Compiled 2
Between Changing GloomMemories Compiled 2
These Ancient HallsTerrace of Memories (name your price)
Artificial ReposeTremor
Luminous ProgressionTremor
The Insane BrightnessTremor
Dwells Into The HeartMemories Compiled 2
Mind TunnelTremor
Flesh ReaperTremor
Resonant GoreSpore
Impious RisingLegacy
Cycle of AgonyLegacy
Echo PassageEcho Passage
FlameThe Surreal Sanctuary
The NihilistSpore