Midwinter Gates (Foscor)December Songs: A Tribute to Katatonia
Gateways Of Bereavement (Foscor)December Songs: A Tribute to Katatonia
Ciutat TràgicaCiutat Tràgica
Els Colors del SilenciEls Sepulcres Blancs
L’EsglaiEls Sepulcres Blancs
Cel RogentEls Sepulcres Blancs
LamentsEls Sepulcres Blancs
MalsonEls Sepulcres Blancs
Cançó de MortEls Sepulcres Blancs
SecretsEls Sepulcres Blancs
Entrance to the Shadows' VillageEntrance to the Shadows' Village
Inferus (Dungeons and Caves)Entrance to the Shadows' Village
Al Cor De La BoscúriaEntrance to the Shadows' Village
Sot EndinsThe Smile of the Sad Ones
Life's Death CodeThe Smile of the Sad Ones
Lunar LandscapesEntrance to the Shadows' Village
MelangiaGroans to the Guilty
The Sorrow of DelightEntrance to the Shadows' Village
The Amber NestGroans to the Guilty