Siavash Amini的歌曲列表
Face On The SandTAR
Rivers Of TarTAR
A Dream's Frozen ReflectionTAR
Shadow Of Their ShadowsFORAS
The BecloudingFORAS
First Came Their ShadowsFORAS
Purple As In PainHarmistice
Silver As In SilenceHarmistice
Black As In BurstHarmistice
The Stillborn BaroqueA Mimesis of Nothingness
A Collective FlounderingA Mimesis of Nothingness
Observance (Shadow)A Mimesis of Nothingness
Perpetually InwardsA Mimesis of Nothingness
Blue As In BleedingHarmistice
Moonless GardenMoonless Garden
The CrosshatchObriultn
Forgotten MachinationsThe Faded Orbit
EmanationThe Faded Orbit
ConcaveThe Faded Orbit
A Lambent AssemblyThe Faded Orbit
Moonless GardenA Mimesis of Nothingness
SanguineusThe Faded Orbit