Ty Segall的歌曲列表
Despoiler of CadaverFreedom's Goblin
When Mommy Kills YouFreedom's Goblin
AltaFreedom's Goblin
You Say All The Nice ThingsFreedom's Goblin
PrisonFreedom's Goblin
Talkin 3Freedom's Goblin
The Main PretenderFreedom's Goblin
Cry Cry CryFreedom's Goblin
And, GoodnightFreedom's Goblin
5 Ft. TallFreedom's Goblin
Please Don't Leave This TownJoy
Room ConnectorJoy
Body BehaviorJoy
Hey Joel, Where You Going With That?Joy
Rock FluteJoy
A NodJoy
Grin Without SmileJoy
Other WayJoy
Prettiest DogJoy
Do Your HairJoy
Tommy's PlaceJoy
My Lady's On FirePig Man Lives: Volume 1
Elemental ChildTy Rex