Ston AeraSton Aera
M' EkdikeisaiM' Ekdikeisai
Oso ZoOso Zo
This Is LoveThis Is Love (Ballad Version)
Nothing BetterDemy
When Then Morning ComesDemy
The SunDemy
Where Is the LoveDemy
That FeelingDemy
You Fooled MeDemy
Chasing the StarsDemy
One LoveDemy
This Is LoveDemy
Angels (Eurovision 2017)Angels (Eurovision 2017)
Some Hearts Are Meant to FallDemy
This Is LoveThis Is Love (Instrumental)
Kesikso KangenKesikso Kangen
FallinParty Shakerz
Mono MprostaRithmos 9,49 in the Mix Vol. 5
Kratise MeRithmos 9,49 in the Mix Vol. 5
Poses Chiliades Kalokairia#1
Mono Mprosta [Niko Souliotis Remix]Meno