Zarqnon the Embarrassed的歌曲列表
AMCARhythm / Retrospect
Deep Amalgamated CollusionsRhythm / Retrospect
Welcome to the Bubble Garden(Retrospect)Rhythm / Retrospect
Deep Fried Squares(Retrospect)Rhythm / Retrospect
Welcome to the Bubble GardenRhythm / Retrospect
Fluxuating Stargear(Retrospect)Rhythm / Retrospect
Digital Tadpoles(Retrospect)Rhythm / Retrospect
Digital TadpolesRhythm / Retrospect
Fluxuating StargearRhythm / Retrospect
Wackelt VielDanger Music, Darkwave, Chaos and Noise, Vol 947G (Strange Electronic Experiments blending Darkwave, Industrial, Chaos, Ambient, Classical and Celtic Influences)
main cheeseMorphed Set 2
pushing the ropeMorphed Set 2
K265/300e:I (Gruffy)twinKLe twiNklE lIttle stAr (Eine Kleine Nacht Münkey)
I Like This, Even If You Don’t(but if you like it, that’s ok. I won’t hold it against you)Moshing to the Beat of a Different Electronic Drum Machine
We Are The WorldMichael Jackson and the Broken Mirror(Michael Jackson Hits Dissolved)
Be Good to Yourself (90 second edit)Danger Music, Darkwave, Chaos and Noise, Vol ijk (Strange Electronic Experiments blending Darkwave, Industrial, Chaos, Ambient, Classical and Celtic Influences)
flizamajigMorphed Set 2
Twinkle Twinkle Little Dyson SphereErwin Schrödinger’s Favorite Nursery Rhymes
Least Interest PrincipleStrange Noise Electronic Chaos Vol 2468
Language ExpectancyExperimental Electronic Vol 00 (Strange Electronic Experiments blending Darkwave, Industrial, Chaos, Ambient, Classical and Celtic Influences)
Frame of ReferenceStrange Noise Electronic Chaos Vol 999
Social Comparison TheoryExperimental Electronic Vol mmmbop (Strange Raw Electronic Experiments blending Darkwave, Industrial, Chaos, Ambient, Classical and Celtic Influences)
Mere ExposureRaw Experimental Chaos Vol QQ7B (Strange Raw Electronic Experiments blending Darkwave, Industrial, Chaos, Ambient, Classical and Celtic Influences)