Andrew Bird的歌曲列表
EyeoneyeBreak It Yourself
PolynationBreak It Yourself
Swedish Folk TuneBallad of the Red Shoes
Dance of DeathBallad of the Red Shoes
Theme 1 (restated)Ballad of the Red Shoes
Chorus of the SwanBallad of the Red Shoes
Something SinisterBallad of the Red Shoes
Theme 1 (waltz)Ballad of the Red Shoes
Left Handed KissesAre You Serious
Action / AdventureFingerlings
Depression PasilloFingerlings 2
Dark MatterFingerlings 3
The Water Jet CiliceFingerlings 3
Measuring CupsFingerlings 3
The Happy Birthday SongFingerlings 3
Dear DirtyFingerlings 3
EthiobirdsFingerlings 3
The Trees Were MistakenSoldier On
The Water Jet CiliceSoldier On
Sectionate CitySoldier On
See the EnemyFitz And The Dizzy Spells
Simple XLive in Montreal