Andrew Bird的歌曲列表
BellesBreak It Yourself
Give It AwayGive It Away EP
Fatal ShoreBreak It Yourself
SiftersBreak It Yourself
Near Death Experience ExperienceBreak It Yourself
Behind the BarnBreak It Yourself
Lazy ProjectorBreak It Yourself
EyeoneyeBreak It Yourself
PolynationBreak It Yourself
Swedish Folk TuneBallad of the Red Shoes
Dance of DeathBallad of the Red Shoes
Theme 1 (restated)Ballad of the Red Shoes
Chorus of the SwanBallad of the Red Shoes
Something SinisterBallad of the Red Shoes
Theme 1 (waltz)Ballad of the Red Shoes
Left Handed KissesAre You Serious
Action / AdventureFingerlings
Depression PasilloFingerlings 2
Dark MatterFingerlings 3
The Water Jet CiliceFingerlings 3
Measuring CupsFingerlings 3
The Happy Birthday SongFingerlings 3