LoadedTen Years in the Pubs
The Mists of IrelandTen Years in the Pubs
The Queen of ArgyllTen Years in the Pubs
Johnny Don't Go to BallincolligTen Years in the Pubs
Come Out You Black and TansTen Years in the Pubs
Drunken Sailor / Campbell's Farewell to RedcastleTen Years in the Pubs
Pat Works On the RailwayTen Years in the Pubs
The Irish RoverTen Years in the Pubs
Brennan On the MoorTen Years in the Pubs
Yarmouth TownTen Years in the Pubs
Botany Bay/Farewell to ErinTen Years in the Pubs
Cottage in the Glen / Cooley's ReelRising
Foggy DewRising
Bonny Light Horseman / Drowsy MaggieRising
Hieland SodgerRising
Molly MaloneRising
Bonnie Broom / Andy Renwick's Favorite Ferret / The Gravel WalkRising
The Highlands Are Still My HomeRising
Scotland the Brave / Athol HighlandersBeo
Mists of IrelandBeo
Captain WardBeo
Finnegin's WakeBeo
Johnny Jump Up / Morrison's JigBeo