Sara K.的歌曲列表
Vincent (Live)Audio's Audiophile, vol.21: Acoustic Moments
Don’t I Know You From SomewhereTAS: The Absolute Sound 2008
StarsTAS: The Absolute Sound 2005
In the Fall (Maggie's Dream)Water Falls
Set You FreeHell or High Water
If I Could Sing Your Blues全球最华丽的天籁女声
Set You FreeCloser to the Music, Vol. 2
StarsCloser to the Music, Vol. 2
The PainterCloser To The Music
Turned My Upside DownCloser To The Music
Turned My Upside DownWater Falls
I can't stand the rainStockfisch Records--Art of Recording
Really DoHobo
Curtain CallsHell or High Water
VincentTell Me I'm Not Dreamin'
VincentAre We There Yet? (Live In Concert)
Turned My Head Upside DownPlay On Words
Whipping PostTell Me I'm Not Dreamin'
StarsHell or High Water
Brick HouseHobo
Step on MineWater Falls
Stop Those Bells - LIVECloser To The Music
When I Didn't CareSennheiser HD 800 - Klang Von Meisterhand
(Would You) Break My HeartWater Falls